Explore 150+ Ethiopian Coffees Available In The CropConex Marketplace
CropConex offers a new way to buy, sell, and move coffees across the global supply chain. Starting with the Ethiopian coffee value chain, we make it easy and affordable for green coffee buyers to order small quantities directly from origin. Explore over 150 coffee listings available in the marketplace from a variety of suppliers – like exporters, cooperatives, and private farmers. Browse the marketplace and order samples today!
How it Works
Browse the Marketplace
- Find coffees that fit your budget, processing, and flavors.
- Review the grade, score, processing, flavor profile & volume information.
- Order samples! Your first 6 are on us, and they’re only $2 per sample after that.
Analyze Your Samples
- Confirm receipt of green coffee samples, and prepare for sensory evaluation.
- Cup your coffee samples with friends & coworkers.
- Submit your analysis back to the producers – your feedback is very valuable!
- Select your perfect coffee & request an estimate from the producers.
Finalize Contracts
- Secure the contract. All details are in compliance with governing regulatory bodies.
- Choose your logistics, warehousing & delivery. Receive fresh-milled coffee from origin fast!
- Manage your future orders, re-order & keep track of your history.