Book Logistics Services At Competitive Rates
- Ship by air or sea freight
- Get real-time cost estimates
- Book last-mile delivery servies
After agreeing to an FOB price, select your shipping method and view all-in logistics cost estimates. Select exclusive air freight rates for deliveries in weeks, not months.
Request an estimate for all-in costs including international freight, customs clearance, and last-mile delivery. Manage contracts and bookings online in one centralized location.
Easy-to-follow checklists, outlining all of your required documents for order fulfillment, help streamline the export and import process. Get real-time updates along the way.
Have full visibility of logistics costs across the supply chain and pay a single invoice across multiple providers. We route payments to each third-party service provider and settle outstanding balances automatically.
Want to join the digital revolution? Contact our team to learn how CropConex can help your business.